Monday, September 17, 2007

GOT WATER . . . . . . PROBLEMS???

Again, thanks to everyone from the Amberwood HOA that joined me on that August 31th, evening meeting. I know that it was on short notice, and a true sacrifice to give up your Friday evening, but I greatly appreciated it.

Well, as many of you have heard, the city council voted unanimously to approve a resolution denying the rate increases proposed by Monarch Utilities. While the legal process moves actively forward, I did want to address another issue related to this matter.

While visiting with everyone, their were several prominent concerns regarding the quality of both the water and service received from Monarch Utilities. The concerns ranged from inaccurate billing, to brown water, to foul smelling water, to possible discharge from the Monarch water tower.

While the city continues to work on the rate issue, I feel it is imperative that residents of both Amberwood and Indian Paintbrush (or any Monarch Utilities CCN customer) have the proper authorities look into your quality concerns.

After a few phone calls, I was able to identify the most appropriate contact for residents with such issues and concerns. Residents that believe they may have quality concerns should contact: TCEQ Consumer Assistance Hotline 512.239.6100 or Utility District Section 512.239.6947.

I will continue to update you on our progress.

Thank you,

Mayor Mike Gonzalez


Anonymous said...

thanks for the info, never was sure who to contact for that

Anonymous said...

Is this a MUD? Can City of Kyle run lines and get ALL incorporated areas on City services? I live in Kyle limits but not those subdivisions-would like to know what $$ would be to help other Kylites.

Anonymous said...

Is the rate increase effective until something more is done, or is it on hold for now? I know that it was supposed to take effect 9/4/07.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if the water rate increase has gone into effect as of 9/4/07, or is it on hold until this issue is resolved?

Mayor Mike said...

As a follow up . . .

City staff and attorney are working on sending legal notice to Monarch. The rate increase is technically on hold for 90 days while the issue is attempted to be resolved.

My understanding is that the city cannot run water/sewer lines into Monarch's CCN. They have the right to serve the area within their CCN even if it is within our city limits.

Typically, the Developer/Land Owner, pays the cost of extending water/sewer services to the property line.
